Cause and effect

Financial and ESG analyses often require the expression of relationships of cause and effect. The following exercise shows many that are used on a regular basis in the media.


Complete the sentences with the words from box paying close attention to verb forms and prepositions. Sometimes more than one answer may be possible.
   as      because      brought      caused      gave rise      given      led      on the grounds      owing to      prompted      provoke      result      result of      since      stemmed      triggered      was sparked      with the aim of  
1. The inquiry into the company reporting a sell off of the shares.
2. The protest by the company’s refusal to reinstate the worker.
3. The war in Iraq petrol prices to rise.
4. He couldn’t attend the meeting he was ill.
5. She withdrew her investment from the company she did not like their new social policy.
6. He refused to answer that his lawyer wasn’t there.
7. The new accounting standards have to goodwill writedowns.
8. The whistleblower phoned the press exposing the scandal.
9. The President’s statement a lot of critism.
10. The deficit was the the overspending of recent years.
11. The flight was delayed the fog.
12. The shareholders turned down the takeover bid they considered the offer was undervalued.
13. In my opinion, the announcement of the CEO’s compensation package will a strong reaction from the major stakeholders and in their withdrawing their support to the Board.
14. The merger about streamlining of the workforce.
15. She didn’t exercise the option that she believed the price would continue rising.
16. His superb returns on investment to rumours of insider trading.
17. It is widely stated that the European financial meltdown from the American subprime crisis.