Account words

Try the exercise below to improve your use of words and expressions containing “account” . Press check once you have filled in all the gaps to confirm how well you have done.


Match the explanations with the expressions using “account “in bold print in each of the sentences. Include the brackets in the answer otherwise the check won’t work properly.
   (asked to explain)      (because of)      (big clients)      (checking, analysing and interpreting financial figures)      (consider)      (considered responsible for sth and paid the consequences)      (everyone says)      (explain)      (for themselves)      (having to justify actions)      (inexplicable)      (on credit)      (report)      (represents)      (ultimately responsible for)      (under no circumstances)  
1. How do you account for the plunge in stock prices ? =
2. Agents buy and sell goods on their own account. =
3. They gave me a detailed account of the overhaul of the inventory system. =
4. The draft had to be amended on account of the change in regulatory requirements. =
5. Their business in the Middle East accounts for 60% of their annual turnover. =
6. Since they are regular customers of ours they should be able to buy on account. =
7. On no account should their comments be leaked to the public. =
8. Bob Diamond constantly denied being accountable for Barclay’s shenanigans. =
9. By all accounts financial misdealing is widespread. =
10. The advertising company has won two new accounts in Russia. =
11. Green funds take into account company policies when choosing investments. =
12. Boris Johnson was called to account for the redecoration of number 10. =
13. The man in the street* is not happy that bankers were not held accountable for the financial crisis.=
14. The lack of accountability has eroded people’s trust in politicians.=
15. Accounting is somewhat more sophisticated than simple bookkeeping. =
16. Many people feel the election of Donald Trump was totally unaccountable. =

* = the average person